Rabu, 24 Juni 2009
Soal MoDaLs
"Oh, I . . . a that time".
a. may be out
b. might be out
c. must have been out
d. would be out
e. should have been out
2. The satellite couldn't be attracted by the officers in the earth satellite.
There . . . something wrong with the computer system in the satellite.
a. might be
b. must be
c. would be
d. should be
e. must have been
3. When I was a child my mother . . . read me story every night.
a. should have
b. ought to
c. would
d. must
e. might
4. He must have seen me eat the fish, means . . .
a. should leave
b. must leave
c. must have left
d. should have left
e. should be leaving
5. The children went to school by taxi but they arrived late
The taxi driver . . . have taken them aroun.
a. may
b. must
c. could
d. should
e. ought to
6. When we got home, we found the front door open. Somebody . . . entered the house while we were away.
a. could
b. would have
c. should have
d. ought to have
e. must have
7. "Whay weren't you at Yanti's birthday party last ninght?"
"Oh, I . . . overtime".
a. must work
b. must have worked
c. should work
d. ough to have worked
e. had to work
8. "I didn't see Elli at Rina's party yesterday".
" Oh she . . . for her class presentation on Monda".
a. had to prepare
b. must prepare
c. ought to have prepared
d. should prepare
e. could prepare
9. I heard Baron speak English,French,Dutch and even Japanese to tourist,he . . . the best thourist guide in town
a. should be
b. must be
c. had better be
d. ought to be
e. would rether be
10. We . . . him to join the program, bacause it would cause him disappointed.
a. should not have admitted
b. must not admit
c. would admit
d. might admit
e. could admit
cuit info baru
Kamis, 04 Juni 2009
Modal auxiliary verbs give more information about the function of the main verb that follows it. Although having a great variety of communicative functions, these functions can all be related to a scale ranging from possibility (can) to necessity (must). Within this scale there are two functional divisions: one concerned with possibility and necessity in terms of freedom to act (including ability, permission and duty), and the other (shall not included) concerns itself with the theoretical possibility of propositions being true or not true, including likelihood and certainty: must = absolute (often moral) obligation, order, requirement, necessity; can/could = physical or mental ability; may/might = permission, option, choice; will = intention in 1st person, volition in 2nd and 3rd persons; and shall/should = in 1st person objective though not moral obligation, no choice, as in: One day I shall die: we all shall die one day; in 2nd and third persons shall implies an incumbent obligation, destiny (It shall come to pass) or a command, decree, necessity imposed by the speaker, as in: A meeting shall take place on the last Friday of every month or a promise, namely that the speaker is stating his obligation to another party that an action or event take place, as in: You shall go to the ball, Cinderella. However, if a speaker states: I will let you go to the ball, Cinderella, in stating his intention, he is, in this instance, also making a promise.
As regards the modal auxiliary verbs shall/will, it is misleading to suggest either that these verbs are "future tense auxiliary verbs" that are used to form a future tense in English where shall is used for the first person and will for second and third persons (a "rule" of "traditional" grammar), thereby forming a compound "simple future" or "pure future" tense, or that shall and will are interchangeable in modern English. This latter belief no doubt arises from the fact that the contracted forms of shall and will are identical ( 'll), as are the contracted forms of the past/subjunctive of shall and will, namely should and would ( 'd), which contractions having led to the usage of will/would for all persons in demotic English and most particularly in American English.
Shall and will have distinct meanings, but some of them sometimes overlap, as with I/we statements combining promise (a statement of obligation) and intention (a statement of willingness). With I/we questions used as suggestions or as requests for advice, only shall/should is possible: "Shall/Should I do something?" fundamentally asks if I am obliged to another party to do something. (cf. sollen in German: Was soll ich tun? [What shall I do?]) In most other cases, "will" is usable. Will in 2nd and 3rd persons can indicate a sure prediction if the statement/question is marked for future time (When will he arrive? - He will arrive tomorrow) or future time is understood in context (Do you think he will come? – Sure he will come), the certainty of prediction being marked by the speaker's belief that he knows the volition of the subject of the modal verb; if no futurity is marked or understood in context, then will, but not shall, carries meanings of (a) general deduction, (b) highest probability, (c) habit, or (d) habit-power, e.g.: (a) If George is British, he will be quite conservative in his opinions; (b) Did the caller have a British accent? – Then that will have been George (would have been George is still highly probable but there is a slight doubt implied by the past form of will that, in this context, is subjunctive in function; must have been George is also a high probability statement but it is a logical conclusion: the speaker is logically obliged to believe that the caller was George); (c) He will always call me when I'm having lunch; (d) This bottle will hold at least two pints.
Most modal auxiliary verbs have two distinct interpretations, epistemic (expressing how certain the factual status of the embedded proposition is) and deontic (involving notions of permission and obligation). The following sentences illustrate the two uses of must:
- epistemic: You must be starving. (= "It is necessarily the case that you are starving.")
- deontic: You must leave now. (= "You are required to leave now.")
- ambiguous: You must speak Spanish.
- epistemic = "It is surely the case that you speak Spanish (e.g., after having lived in Spain for ten years)."
- deontic = "It is a requirement that you speak Spanish (e.g., if you want to get a job in Spain)."
Epistemic modals can be analyzed as raising verbs, while deontic modals can be analyzed as control verbs.
Another form of modal auxiliary is the verb indicating ability: "can" in English, "können" in German, and "possum" in Latin. For example, "I can say that in English," "Ich kann das auf Deutsch sagen," and "Illud Latine dicere possum."
Sometimes, the use of the modal auxiliary verbs varies in positive and negative statements. For example, in English, we have the sentence pair, "You may do that," and "You may not do that." However, in German, these ideas are expressed as "Sie dürfen das tun," but "Sie müssen das nicht tun." The latter looks as if it would translate into English as "You must not do that," but it is more typically translated as "You may not do that."
This section requires expansion. |
This table lists some modal verbs with common roots in English, German and Dutch. English modal auxiliary verb provides an exhaustive list of modal verbs in English.
Words in the same row share the same etymological root. Because of semantic drift, however, words in the same row may no longer be proper translations of each other. For instance, the German verb "dürfen" is closer in meaning to the English verb "may" (for asking for or granting permission) than to its cognate "dare". In addition, the English and German verbs will are completely different in meaning, and the German one has nothing to do with constructing the future tense. These words are false friends.
In English, the plural and singular forms are identical. For German and Dutch, both the plural and singular form of the verb are shown.
Please note that the words in this list are not translations of each other. (See above.)
English | German | Dutch |
can | können, kann | kunnen, kan |
shall | sollen, soll | zullen, zal |
will | wollen, will | willen, wil |
must | müssen, muss | moeten, moet |
may | mögen, mag | mogen, mag |
dare | dürfen, darf | durven, durf |
The English could is the past tense of can; should is the past tense of shall; and might is the past tense of may. (This is ignoring the use of "may" as a vestige of the subjunctive mood in English.) These verbs have acquired an independent, present tense meaning. The German verb möchten is sometimes taught as a vocabulary word and included in the list of modal verbs, but it is actually the past subjunctive form of mögen. An example of the subjective use of "may" in English is in the sentence "That may be, or may not be," meaning "That could be true, but maybe it is not."
The English verbs dare and need have both a modal use (he dare not do it), and a non-modal use (he doesn't dare to do it). The Dutch verb durven is not included in the list (but it is there, nevertheless) because its modal use has disappeared, but it has a non-modal use analogous with the English dare. Other English modal verbs include want, wish, hope, and like. All of these differ from the main modals in English (i.e. most of those in the table above) in that they take the particle to in the infinitive, like all other English verbs (may; to want), and are followed by to when they are used as a modal (may go; want to go). Some may be more than one word, such as "had better" and "would rather."[1]
Germanic modal verbs are preterite-present verbs, which means that their present tense has the form of a vocalic preterite. This is the source of the vowel alternation between singular and plural in German and Dutch. Because of their preterite origins, modal verbs also lack the suffix (-s in modern English, -t in German and Dutch) that would normally mark the third person singular form:
normal verb | modal verb | |
English | he works | he can |
German | er arbeitet | er kann |
Dutch | hij werkt | hij kan |
The main verb that is modified by the modal verb is in the infinitive form and is not preceded by the word to (German: zu, Dutch: te). There are verbs that may seem somewhat similar in meaning to modal verbs (e.g. like, want), but the construction with such verbs would be different:
normal verb | modal verb | |
English | he tries to work | he can work |
German | er versucht zu arbeiten | er kann arbeiten |
Dutch | hij probeert te werken | hij kan werken |
In English, main verbs sometimes require the auxiliary verb do to form negations, questions, or emphatic statements. (Many languages, such as German, lack the emphatic form that English has.) Modal verbs never use this auxiliary do:
normal verb | modal verb | |
affirmative | he works | he can work |
negation | he does not work | he cannot work |
emphatic | he does work hard | he does do it |
question | does he work here? | can he work at all? |
negation + question | does he not work here? | can he not work at all? |
Modal verbs are called defective verbs because of their incomplete conjugation: they have a narrower range of functions than ordinary verbs.
cuit info baruDependent words
A dependent clause usually begins with a dependent word. One kind of dependent word is a subordinating conjunction. Subordinating conjunctions are used to begin dependent clauses known as adverbial clauses which act like adverbs. In the following examples, the adverbial clauses are bold and the subordinating conjunctions are italicized:
Wherever she goes, she leaves a piece of luggage behind. (The adverbial clause wherever she goes modifies the verb leaves.)
Bob enjoyed the movie more than I did. (The adverbial clause than I did modifies the adverb more.)
Another type of dependent word is the relative pronoun. Relative pronouns begin dependent clauses known as adjective clauses, which act like adjectives, or noun clauses, which act like nouns. In the following examples, the dependent clauses are bold and the relative pronouns are italicized:
The only one of the seven dwarfs who does not have a beard is Dopey. (The adjective clause who does not have a beard describes the noun one.)
No one understands why experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. (The noun clause why experience is something you don't get until just after you need it functions as a direct object.)
Noun clause
A noun clause can be used the same way as a noun.[1] It can be a subject, predicate nominative, direct object, appositive, indirect object, or object of the preposition. Some of the words that introduce noun clauses are that, whether, who, why, whom, what, how, when, whoever, where, and whomever. Notice that some of these words also introduce adjective and adverbial clauses. To check whether a clause is a noun clause, try substituting the appropriate pronoun (he, she, it, or they).
- I know who said that. (I know it.)
- Whoever said it is wrong. (He is wrong.)
Sometimes a noun clause is used without the introductory word.
- I know that he is here.
- I know he is here. (without "that")
In some cases, use of the introductory word, though grammatically correct, may sound cumbersome in English.
- I think that it is pretty. (correct, though excessive)
- I think it is pretty. (standard usage)
Adjective clause
An adjective clause—also called an adjectival or relative clause—will meet three requirements. First, it will contain a subject and verb. Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun [who, whom, whose, that, or which] or a relative adverb [when, where, or why]. Finally, it will function as an adjective, answering questions such as: What kind? How many? or Which one?
The adjective clause will follow one of these two patterns:
- Relative Pronoun [or Relative Adverb] + Subject + Verb = Dependent Clause
- Relative Pronoun [Functioning as Subject] + Verb = Dependent Clause
Examples include:
Whose big, brown eyes pleaded for another cookie Word Class Word Relative Pronoun Whose Subject eyes Verb pleaded
Why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie Word Class Word Relative Adverb Why Subject Fred Verb Can stand
That bounced onto the kitchen floor Word Class Word Relative Pronoun that Verb Bounced
Who hiccuped for seven hours afterward Word Class Word Relative Pronoun Who Verb Hiccuped
Adjectival phrase
An adjectival phrase or adjective phrase (AP) is a phrase with an adjective as its head. Adjectival phrases may occur as pre- or postmodifiers to a noun, or as predicatives (predicate adjectives) to a verb (e.g. full in the bottle is full).
- red
- red, big (rose)
- red, big, reminding me of my former love (rose)
- red, big, filling my senses with sorrow, reminding me of my former love (rose)
- red, big, picked by my daughter (rose)
- red, big, filling my senses with sorrow, reminding me of my former love, picked by my daughter (rose)
Participles in Modern English
English verbs have two participles:
- called variously the present, active, imperfect, or progressive participle, it is identical in form to the gerund; the term present participle is sometimes used to include the gerund. The term gerund-participle is also used.
- called variously the past, passive, or perfect participle, it is usually identical to the verb's preterite (past tense) form, though in irregular verbs the two usually differ.
Examples of participle formation include:
Verb | Past Simple | Past Participle | Present Participle | Regular/ Irregular |
talk | talked | talking | regular | |
hire | hired | hiring | ||
do | did | done | doing | irregular |
say | said | saying | ||
eat | ate | eaten | eating | |
write | wrote | written | writing | |
beat | beat | beaten | beating | |
sing | sang | sung | singing |
The present participle in English is active. It has the following uses:
- forming the progressive aspect: Jim was sleeping.
- modifying a noun, with active sense: Let sleeping dogs lie.
- modifying a verb or sentence: Broadly speaking, the project was successful.
The present participle in English has the same form as the gerund, but the gerund acts as a noun rather than a verb or a modifier. The word sleeping in Your job description does not include sleeping is a gerund and not a present participle.
The past participle has both active and passive uses:
- forming the perfect aspect: The chicken has eaten.
- forming the passive voice: The chicken was eaten.
- modifying a noun, with active sense: our fallen comrades
- modifying a noun, with passive sense: the attached files
- modifying a verb or sentence, with passive sense: Seen from this perspective, the problem presents no easy solution.
As noun-modifiers, participles usually precede the noun (like adjectives), but in many cases they can or must follow it:
- The visiting dignitaries devoured the baked apples.
- Please bring all the documents required.
- The difficulties encountered were nearly insurmountable.
Rabu, 27 Mei 2009
PRIMBON*procedure Text

The social function of procedure text is to describe how something is accomplised through a sequence of actions or steps. It has the following characteristics.
Generic structure
- Title
- Goal
- List of materials (optional)
- Series of steps sequenced in logical order : steps 1-n (a series of steps oriented to achieving the goal.
Significant lexicogrammatical features
- Focus on generalize human agents
- Use of simple present tense, often imperative
- Use mainly of temporal conjunections
- Use mainly of material processes
Noun Phrases
A phrase is a group of words that do not have subject and predicate.
A noun phrase is a phrase that functions as a noun.
Every noun phrase has a noun head.
How can we develop nouns into noun phrases???
- By adding a determiner: a,an,the,some,your,his,many,more,five,etc.
e.g: # an envelope
# five coconuts
- By adding adjectives: good,bad,long,short,beautiful,etc.
e.g.: # a good university
# beautiful palaces
# long bamboos
- By adding a present participle: opening,walking,running,sleeping,etc.
e.g.: # an opening ceremony
# a running brook
# the tree standing in the garden
# The girl sitting between John and me.
- By adding a past participle: written,spoken,crooked,made,etc.
e.g.: # a written text
# a spoken test
# the letter typed by the secretary
# the door opened by the maid
- By adding a noun: bus,TV,arm,potato,etc.
e.g.: # a bus station
# a TV screen
# an arm chair
- By adding a preposition: in,on,at,of,in front of,etc.
e.g.: # the house at the foot of the hill
# the color of the ocean
# the bank opposite the cinema
- By adding an infinitive: to read, to cover, to send,etc.
e.g.: # a few books to read
# a stamp to send a letter
# a blanket to cover your body
- By adding a WH clause:who,which,whose,etc.
e.g.: # the man whose daughter married to the King
# the lady who had a big house on the hill
# the river which ran across the land
A garage for two cars = A two car garage
A hotel that is rated " Five Sters" = A Five Stars hotel
A lab to do a biology experiment = A biology experiment lab
A resort for tourist = A tourist resort
A stadium that has 100.000 seats = A 100.000 seats stadium
A store with different departments = A departments store
A studio to make photos = A photo studio
A theatre in the open air = An open air theatre
An apartement with 40 flours = An 40 flour apartement
Books from the library = The library book
Noun Phrases
A phrase is a group of words that do not have subject and predicate.
A noun phrase is a phrase that functions as a noun.
Every noun phrase has a noun head.
How can we develop nouns into noun phrases???
- By adding a determiner: a,an,the,some,your,his,many,more,five,etc.
e.g: # an envelope
# five coconuts
- By adding adjectives: good,bad,long,short,beautiful,etc.
e.g.: # a good university
# beautiful palaces
# long bamboos
- By adding a present participle: opening,walking,running,sleeping,etc.
e.g.: # an opening ceremony
# a running brook
# the tree standing in the garden
# The girl sitting between John and me.
- By adding a past participle: written,spoken,crooked,made,etc.
e.g.: # a written text
# a spoken test
# the letter typed by the secretary
# the door opened by the maid
- By adding a noun: bus,TV,arm,potato,etc.
e.g.: # a bus station
# a TV screen
# an arm chair
- By adding a preposition: in,on,at,of,in front of,etc.
e.g.: # the house at the foot of the hill
# the color of the ocean
# the bank opposite the cinema
- By adding an infinitive: to read, to cover, to send,etc.
e.g.: # a few books to read
# a stamp to send a letter
# a blanket to cover your body
- By adding a WH clause:who,which,whose,etc.
e.g.: # the man whose daughter married to the King
# the lady who had a big house on the hill
# the river which ran across the land
A garage for two cars = A two car garage
A hotel that is rated " Five Sters" = A Five Stars hotel
A lab to do a biology experiment = A biology experiment lab
A resort for tourist = A tourist resort
A stadium that has 100.000 seats = A 100.000 seats stadium
A store with different departments = A departments store
A studio to make photos = A photo studio
A theatre in the open air = An open air theatre
An apartement with 40 flours = An 40 flour apartement
Books from the library = The library book
Selasa, 05 Mei 2009
Group smester 2 Mapel B.Inggris

Group 1 (News Item)
- Stevin
- Maulina
- Briand
- Yonatan
- Luthfi
- Naldi
- Wiwin
- Gerson
- Andini
- Rumila
- Ferina
- Doni
- Raden
- Sahal
- Asty
- Yuel
- Aina
- Tri
- Fran
- Tanto
- Puspita
- Jovan
- Andin
- Raymond
- Gunawan
- Anisa
- Ricki
- Linda
- Adis
- Ribka
- Nova
- Febriana
- Sesil
- Isni
- Dini
- Sandi
- Okky
- Erlan
PRIMBON*Procedure Text
Generic structure
- title
- goal
- list of material (optional )
- series of stepszdvn sequenced in logical order: steps 1-n
- focus on generalized human agents
- use of simple present tense, often imperative
- use mainly of temporal conjunctions
- use mainly of material processes.
Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009
Minggu Pagi..
Kayanya yang namanya hari minggu ditunggu banget sama umat nasrani, untuk beribadah..
Bagi-Bagi berkat nich...
Hari ini banyak orang yang rindu untuk memuji Tuhan dan melayani sesama..Hal itu terkihat diaktiv
To infrom readers, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
*. Text Organization
Newsworthy events
Background event
*. Language feature
Information on the use of headlines
The use of action verbs
The use saying verbs
The use of pasive sentense
The use of adverbs in passive sentence
Example News Item
Yalena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of z nuclear submarine at the nayal base of shakejove-2 near Vladivostock
The accident, which occured 13 month before the chernobyl disaster, spreat radioactive fall out over the base nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the then Sofied Union. Residents were told the explosions. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tones of cantaminated material ware sworn to secrecy.
A board of infertigators was latter to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.
Wisata Bogor

Taman Safari, Bogor
Taman Safari yang ada dibogor adalah salah satu tempat wisata yang berkembang. Tempat ini dikelola dengan baik sehingga menjadi salah satu cirikhas Indonesia. Ditempat rekreasi ini ada beberapa hal yang disuguhkan seperti tempat bermain,melihat binatang hidup bebas, dan tempat rekreasi yang baik untuk keluarga.
Salah satu foto yang diambil dari kawasan taman Safari Bogor
Beberapa alamat email FS

- die_c@kep.tea
- fino_error@yahoo.com
- ido14_0788@yahoo.co.id
- androe_sagitarius@yahoo.com
- guerilla_craft@yahoo.com
- b41n_r3z4@yahoo.com
- rici_adi.putra@yahoo.com
- joe_jr_0238@yahoo.co.id
PRIMBON*Narrative Text

narative text is to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experiente in different ways; Narrative deal with probematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, witch in turn fins a resolution.
Generic structure
1. Orientation
2. Evalutation
3. Complication
4. Resolution
5. Re-orientation
Significant lexicogrammatical features
1. Focus on specific and usually individualized participants.
2. Use of marerial processes
3. Use of temporal conjuctions and temporal circumtances
4. Use of relational processes and mental processes
5. Use of past tense
hidup tak pernah kita tau apa yang terjadi.. tapi satu keyakinan diri akan menjadi yang terbaik